Punishment of "responsible" conflict and "lenders of crimes" and "justice for the victims." Fight against illiteracy, which in Africa is a "plague" of AIDS, TB and malaria. Action by Christians and the Church decided to combat violence against women, often linked to ancestral practices, and the promotion of girls and women in every social sphere.They are some of the most powerful in the Apostolic Exhortation Pope advances "Africae munus - The commitment of Africa", 130 pages in the Italian edition in which Benedict XVI gathers the proposals of the Synod for Africa in 2009 and raised in the Church , wanting to make this event a starting point for the revival of the African continent.
In the text Benedict always speaks positively of "challenges" for Africa and for each one passes the complaint to the statement of objectives and possible solutions. Among the signs of Benedict XVI also: the West Africa to learn how to take care of the elderly; defend the young from "lack of training, unemployment, political exploitation" because they do not fall into the "frustration" and can "pick up its future "; protect children from" intolerable treatment inflicted on so many of them in Africa, "including children soldiers, children victims of witchcraft, sexually enslaved children; fight" exploitation and misappropriation local and foreign, "which deprive African populations of its natural resources, increasing the "poverty" and preventing "the African peoples to strengthen their economies," the Pope "encourages governments to protect key assets, which are the land and water" for the life of future generations and for peace.
The papal text also hopes that the "globalization of solidarity" avoid the "temptation of the one thought on life, culture, politics, economics, to the benefit of a consistent ethic of respect for other human realities for effective solidarity."
The document is also a large section on the Church in Africa, the role of bishops, priests, laymen and women, the relationship with traditional cultures and other religions, including Islam, with which the Pope calls for "collaboration". Benedict XVI also hopes the proclamation of "new African saints." The exhortation concludes with a renewed call to Africa to stand up and take control of their future to be, as may be all right, "spiritual lung for the entire world."
MEETING WITH PRIESTS AND SEMINARIANS"The love of God revealed His Word and the love for the Sacraments and the Church, are an effective antidote against syncretism who mislead. This love helps proper integration of the true values of the cultures in the Christian faith. It releases the occult and evil spirits wins, because it is driven by the very power of the Holy Trinity. " He said Pope Benedict XVI, in these days on a visit to Benin, during a meeting with the priests, seminarians, religious and lay faithful in the courtyard of Saint Gall in Ouidah workshop.
"He lived deep-noted the Pope - this love is also a leaven of communion that breaks all barriers, thus promoting the building of a Church in which there is segregation between the baptized, why are not all one in Christ Jesus With great trust on behalf of each of you, priests, religious, seminarians and lay faithful, to live a church like that. "
"Given the challenges of human existence - said Benedict XVI - the priest of today like tomorrow - if he wants to be a credible witness in the service of peace, justice and reconciliation - a man must be humble and balanced wise and magnanimous. After 60 years of priestly life, I can let you in, dear seminarians, you will not regret to have accumulated during your training treasures intellectual, spiritual and pastoral. "
BATH TRANSFER IN THE CROWD in OuidahA staggering amount of people along the approximately 40 km from Cotonou to Ouidah has witnessed the passage of the Pope, directed by the city of slaves to pay homage at the tomb of Cardinal Bernardin Gantin, Beninese national hero and a leading figure of the Church of Africa in Rome .
The crowd celebrates the passage of the papal procession with singing and waving banners. Before going into the car in Ouidah - and after meeting with politicians, diplomats and religious of Benin, including the great Chancellor of the country, Mrs. Koubourath Ossen, the Islamic religion, which has also made a welcome speech - the Pope made a courtesy visit, the presidential palace in Cotonou, the President of the Republic of Benin, Thomas Boni Yayi. After the private meeting there was an exchange of gifts and official photos. The Pope also signed the Golden Book. The president gave the pontiff a pectoral cross with the words "Benin 2011-Reconciliation, Justice and Peace", a liturgical vestment embroidered by the nuns and some traditional clothing with images printed at the center of Benedict XVI, John Paul II and Cardinal Gantin .
At the same time meeting between the Pope and the President of Benin, there was a meeting between Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, accompanied by the nuncio, and by the deputy president of the Episcopal Conference of Benin, with the Foreign Minister of Benin and other Ministers of the six small state that is home to Benedict XVI for his second trip to Africa. In the talks, said spokesman Father Federico Lombardi, the Pope, he also spoke of the Church's contribution to the life and development of Beninese society.
PRESIDENTIAL PALACE IN THE MEETINGNo conflicts "in the name of God" and an "interfaith dialogue" that respects diversity. The Pope today called the meeting in the Presidential Palace in Cotonou politicians, diplomats and religious of the country. "It does not seem to remember - he said - the recent conflicts born in God's name, dates and deaths in the name of Him who is Life. Every sensible person understands that we must always promote peaceful cooperation, respectful of cultural diversity and religious. "
"Despite these efforts, - said Benedict XVI - we also know that sometimes, interreligious dialogue is not easy, or even that it is prevented for several reasons. This does not mean defeat. The forms of interreligious dialogue are manifold. The cooperation in social or cultural can help people understand themselves better and live together peacefully. It is also good to know that you talk out of weakness, but that is because you believe in God communicates. "
Benedict XVI then commented that the considerations which played today apply "in a particular way to Africa" in many families where the members profess different religions, and live together peacefully. This is a "unit" due "not only to culture", but also to "affect". "Of course, - said Benedict XVI - sometimes there are also failures, but also a lot of victories. In this particular field, Africa can provide all food for thought and thus be a source of hope."
The Pope concluded with an image: the hand. "The make up five fingers, different. Each of them is essential, however, and their union forms the hand. The good understanding between cultures, not condescending view of each other and respect for the rights of individuals have a duty of life. must teach it to all the faithful of different religions. Hate is a defeat, the indifference to a dead end, and opening the dialogue. "
In Africa, there are some signs of hope "in recent months - has listed the Pope - many people have expressed their desire for freedom, their need for material security and their desire to live harmoniously in the diversity of ethnicities and religions . It is also a new state was born in your continent. " But, he added, "have also been numerous conflicts generated dall'accecamento man, by his will to power and political and economic interests that exclude the dignity of individuals or that of nature. The human being aspires to freedom, he wants live in dignity, he wants good schools andnutrition for children, decent hospitals to treat the sick, wants to be respected; claims a clear way of governing that does not confuse the private interest with the general interest, and above all, want peace and justice. "
YESTERDAY'S ARRIVAL IN COTONOUNo to "unconditional submission to the laws of the market and finance", the "exacerbated nationalism and tribalism and sterile, which can become deadly," to "extreme politicization of the religious tensions at the expense of the common good or, finally, the disintegration of human values, cultural , ethical and religious. " The Pope said in his speech at the airport of Cotonou, where he was received by President Thomas Boni Yayi, and the archbishop of Cotonou, Antoine Ganyé. Benedict XVI has invited not have "fear of modernity" but he added, "should not build sull'oblio the past," avoiding "the rocks that exist on the African continent."
In his first speech of this trip, the Pope recalled the '"affection" that has for Africa and Benin, and recalled the card. Bernardin Gantin, who died in 2008 and the African National Hero, which by the way is dedicated to the airport of Cotonou. "Benin is a country in peace," in which "work" Democratic Institutions and breathe a "spirit of freedom and responsibility", justice and a sense of "work for the common good."
After the welcoming ceremony at the airport very warm welcome, with hundreds of girls in traditional dressesdanced on the runway choreography transformed into a blue sky with the color of the scarf of the dancers, the Pope has reached the "popemobile" through the city's Cathedral crowded with people. The barriers, which were not held up and the streets were flooded. But there were difficulties in the popemobile to the center, and the Pope seemed very happy with so much enthusiasm.
The first act of the visit of Benedict XVI in Benin was in the afternoon to pay tribute to Mary Mother of Africa and to the heroic bishops who were able to lead the way in this country from communism to freedom. "A tribute with gratitude," he called his gesture Pope Ratzinger, speaking during a visit to the Cathedral of Our Lady of Mercy in Cotonou where lie Monsignor Christophe Adimou and Monsignor Isidore de Sousa. "They - said - were resolute laborers in the vineyard of the Lord,and their memory is still alive in the hearts of many Catholics and people of Benin. These were two bishops, each in its own way, pastors full of zeal and charity. They spent tirelessly in the service of the Gospel and of God's people, especially the most vulnerable. "" The Virgin Mary - said Benedict XVI then referring to the patron saint of the Cathedral - the highest level experienced the mystery of divine love " . Through her yes to God's call, "she has contributed to the manifestation of divine love among men. In this sense, is the Mother of Mercy for participation in the mission of his Son;has received the privilege to help whenever and wherever we can. "" In the shelter of his mercy - the Pope said - heal the wounded hearts, the snares of the evil and the enemies are reconciled are thwarted. In Mary we have not only a model of perfection, but also help to achieve communion with God and with our brothers and our sisters. "Inviting Catholics in Benin and throughout Africa to invoke her with confidence, the Pope then publicly asked the Virgin to fulfill "the noblest aspirations of young Africans," "hearts thirsting for justice, peace and reconciliation", "the hopes of children victims of famine and war."
THE TRAVEL BY PLANE: Speaking to reportersThere are three reasons why the Pope chose Benin, as he said, answering questions from journalists on the plane: the first is that a country is "at peace, both external and internal, where democratic institutions work, and c ' is freedom and responsibility, and the second ragioneè that different religions live inrespect and common responsibility for peace ", the third reason, he explained," is my dear friend card. Gantin: I wish one day to pray at the tomb of this great African bishop. "Benedict XVI has responded to a question on the success of Pentecostal churches." I am very institutional - he said - and send a message apparently real, but have little stability I do not think - he added - that we must imitate them, but ask what we can do positively to revitalize "ourreligion. Among what you can do to have indicated "institutions not too heavy," so that "the prevailing community", and renew the liturgy, the "mystery, from which we allow ourselves to be, to have a participatory liturgy, but not sentimental."
When asked what can be done for Africa after so many international conferences or operations pecekeeping, Pope Ratzinger said that "words and intentions are greater than the achievements" and that "the great intentions can not work" if you just want to "have" without being willing to "donate".
The Pope then use the expression for Africa "spiritual lung of humanity" is not out of naivete but perl ',' humanism fresh "in Africa that can help when" everything is reduced to positivism that extinguishes hope. " In Africa, he said, "there is freshness, there is life, humor and even joy." Pope Ratzinger of humor also spoke about the card. Gantin, which, he said, he met in '77 in Monaco as "a young African bishop full of courage."
THE MESSAGE OF NAPOLITANO"Good" and "prosperity" for the whole Italian people." I am directed by Benedict XVI wishes to the President of Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, in the traditional exchange of telegrams during the flight to Benin. His journey - back to the Pope writes the head of state - takes place in a country that "is an example of the will of the African peoples to proceed along a path of reconciliation, justice and peace. Italy, writes Napolitano, "fully shares the commitment of the Church and the international community in support of the African continent in order to promote an equitable and sustainable development, not only economically, but also and above all human resources and enhancing the unique ensuring full respect for human dignity. "
THE GREETINGS OF THE PREMIER TO FIUMICINO MARIO MONTIThis morning at Fiumicino airport, Benedict XVI congratulated the Prime Minister Monti and liked her very presence at such a delicate and difficult. The conversation lasted three minutes and iswas very friendly. He told reporters the Vatican spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi.
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